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transforming lives

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Saturday, 27 July 2024

Members Privacy Notice

Soroptimist International Brixham Privacy Notice

SI Brixham collects personal data to fulfil its role as a membership organisation, to fulfil its purposes and to comply with the law regarding data sharing. When required you may be asked for your consent to process your data; your information is not shared with others except as described in this notice.

The categories of information held are name, date of birth, address, telephone

number and email address.

Your data will be stored for as long as you are a member of the club; when you leave you can ask for it to be deleted.

Sharing information – your information is not shared with third parties without your consent.

Your email address will be visible to other club members on group emails; individual objections to these arrangements must inform the club secretary.

Requesting access to personal data - you have the right to request access to information held about you.

Contact details – for further information on how your information is used and how we maintain security of your information or if you would like to discuss anything else in this privacy notice please contact Jan Pryor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Marketing – the club would like to share your information with SIGBI, with Soroptimist International and with related charities. If you agree to your information being shared in this way please indicate below.

Yes……………         No………..

The club would like to send you information about SIGBI Limited, Soroptimist Trading Limited, Soroptimist International and other organisations with whom we work. If you agree to being contacted in this way please indicate below.

I agree to being contacted by post            yes…….         no…….

I agree to being contacted by email          yes……...       no……….

If you have consented to receive marketing you may opt out at a later date.

